What are equine electrolytes?
Almost every bodily function makes use of them so it’s important to supplement electrolytes in feed. They’re salts and minerals that your horse will make use of every day and more on days when they take part in exercise or encounter particularly hot conditions. It’s easy to supplement them by adding to their water bucket. This will make sure that they get their electrolyte requirements.
What do electrolytes do for horses?
After intense exercise, warm weather or prolonged periods of activity your horse may experience fatigue, low sodium levels, and not seem quite itself. Through electrolyte intake, you can address fluid loss, electrolyte depletion and enable your horse to recover more efficiently.
Why would a horse need electrolytes?
It’s helpful for horses to increase electrolyte uptake in order to recover from particularly strenuous events. They contain salts and a variety of ingredients that aid recovery and provide the horse with what it needs at the time it needs it.
Research has shown that horses do not regulate their salt consumption meaning adequate intake from a salt lick can’t be guaranteed and therefore supplementation can be a good way to increase and restore those lost salts and minerals (Jansson and Dahlborn, 1999).